Devlog 4


We’re excited to announce that the core mechanics of our game are now complete. This milestone marks a significant achievement in our development journey, and we are thrilled to share the latest progress with you.

Core Mechanics Finalized

Since our last update, we’ve focused on refining and finalizing the core mechanics of player movement. Here’s a recap of the key features:

  1. Dual Player Movement: We have successfully implemented a movement system where both players can move freely across the map. This design ensures that players always remain focused on each other, enhancing interaction.
  2. Zero-Gravity Mechanics: In line with our goal of creating an immersive and unique gameplay experience, we have integrated zero-gravity mechanics. Characters will continue moving in their last directed path until the player actively intervenes to change direction. This mechanic introduces a new layer of strategy and excitement to the game.

Advancements in Player Models and Map Design

In addition to finalizing the core mechanics, we have made significant progress in other key areas:

  1. Player Models: We’ve been actively searching for and integrating suitable 3D models and animations for our game characters. Our goal is to define the overall style of the game, ensuring that the visual elements align with the gameplay experience. The new models are being rigorously tested to ensure they work seamlessly with the existing mechanics.
  2. Map Design: The game map is evolving steadily. We’ve incorporated various elements to enhance the visual appeal and functionality of the gameplay environment. The temporary floor texture adjustment we mentioned earlier has been refined, allowing us to better observe and optimize player movements.

What’s Next?

With the core mechanics in place and substantial progress made on player models and map design, our next step will consist of enhancing features that will improve the gameplay.

Stay tuned for more updates as we move closer to realizing our vision for the game. We appreciate your support and enthusiasm as we continue this exciting journey.

The Development Team

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