Devlog 5: Hito 2

Hello again!

We’re thrilled to bring you another exciting update on our game development progress. With the core mechanics and character models now set, we’ve been focusing on fine-tuning and testing to ensure a seamless gaming experience. Here’s what we’ve accomplished since our last devlog:

Fine-Tuning the Mechanics

Our primary focus has been on polishing the mechanics. Here’s a summary of our progress:

  1. Minor Bugs Identified: As with any development process, we encountered a few minor bugs while testing the game mechanics. We’ve been actively identifying and documenting these issues to make sure they are addressed in our upcoming development phases.
  2. Character Models Set: We have successfully integrated the final character models and animations. These models have been tested to ensure they work seamlessly with the existing mechanics, providing a cohesive and visually appealing experience.
  3. Implementation of the combat system: the basic combat system of the game is now available. It consists of hitting the opponent with a punch to reduce their health. The player who manages to reduce their opponent's health to 0 is the winner of the match.

Joystick Integration and Testing

To enhance the gaming experience, we’ve tested the game using joysticks. The results were promising, with both players able to navigate and interact with the game environment smoothly.

Next Steps: Bug Fixing and Polishing

With the core mechanics in place and joystick functionality tested, our next steps are clear:

  1. Bug Fixing: We will focus on fixing the minor bugs identified during testing. Ensuring a smooth and bug-free experience is our top priority.
  2. Polishing Visuals and Mechanics: Further refinement of the visuals and mechanics will be undertaken to enhance the overall gameplay experience. This includes improving animations, textures, and environmental elements.
  3. Additional Testing: Continuous testing will be carried out to ensure that all features work as intended and that any new issues are promptly addressed.

Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to refine and enhance our game.

The Development Team


AstroFighters_v2.exe 66 MB
Jun 03, 2024

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